Hello Ladies,
I am so excited for a new year of the Bees Knees!!!! It is going to be so much fun!!!
First off, a little backstory on choosing my block . . . It's actually quite funny, because about an hour before Sheri asked me if I could do Sept. I was chatting with my mom about how my Grandparents need a new quilt for their new Trailer. We spent the Holiday weekend at a Family Reunion (that my Grandparents haven't missed a year of since I was a little girl) and we both noticed that their bed quilt is just one that comes with the trailer and goodness, it is ugly!!! It was totally meant to be, Sheri emailed me and I knew just what I needed to make with your help ;)
So this month, the block is going to be whatever comes to your mind when you hear the words Camping, Nature, Outdoors, the Wild, Smores, Ect, Ect. Ect. This block will be totally up to your imagination. You can applique, piece, paper piece, whatever!!! Anything that makes you feel Woodsie ;) When all the blocks come back, I will turn them into a fun sampler quilt :)
Image used from Applevine Designs |
So, I don't want to make a lot of rules for this one as I want your ideas to guide you, but I figured I could still fill out the questionnaire to provide a little guidance ;)
What size
quilt block do you want your bee partners to make? (Give finished and unfinished measurements, just to be sure.)
I really want to do a fun random floating layout, so you can do whatever size block you want. If it could be anywhere from 12" x 12 " up to 18" x 21", or whatever. It doesn't have to be square, just whatever works for your block idea ;)
Can your partners
use any of their own stash fabric to use in your quilt block? If so, are there
any limitations?
I sent fabrics from the Smores Love collection by Cosmo Cricket. It was super hard to know what to send as I don't know what you want to make so I tried to give everyone a variety of sizes and prints. But yes, if you have an idea that just wont work with the fabric sent, you can absolutely use your own stash fabric and with my thanks. Please just use the colors and feel of the fabrics sent to guide you in your selections ;) I also sent a fat quarter of Kona White for everyone, please use that for any "background" in your block.
Is there a
specific color of thread (white/off white) you want your partners to sew with?
Anything goes here :)
Do your
partners have to use at least a little bit of every fabric you send or can your
partners decide?
Nope, just use or don't use whatever works for your idea ;)
Do you have a
general theme or is it up to your partners to decide? Are there any specific
themes that you do NOT want in your quilt block? Likes/dislikes?
As said before, this is totally up to your imagination. If you have an idea and you are worried about it, just email me, I will say great and set your fears to rest ;)
Will you
allow any embellishments on the quilt block (i.e. embroidery, raised items such
as yo-yos or fabric origami)?
Absolutely, it's your block to make as you see it in your mind ;)
Can you link
us to any flickr or Pinterest photos that you would like us to use as
inspiration for your quilt block?
I whipped up a little Pinterest page here with some blocks that might help to create some ideas ;) You don't have to use any of these, I just wanted to give you some inspiration ;)
If your
partners are super motivated and are able to make two blocks out of the fabric
you send, would you accept more than one block from your partners?
Sure, but it is totally not necessary :) I know one creative block is already a lot to ask ;)
Do you want
your partners to return any leftover larger size scraps to you when they return
the completed blocks or can they keep them for their own scrap stash?
Yes please, if you have larger scraps please return them as I will be using them to make mini little blocks to add to the floating layout :)
And that just about wraps it up :) Fabric went in the mail on Friday the 5th so it should be arriving in the next few days ;) Thanks again ladies. I am so looking forward to seeing what you come up with ;) And if you have any questions just email me at happyquiltingmelissa@gmail.com.
Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!