Monday, December 3, 2012
Blocks for April and Emily

Thursday, November 29, 2012
A Little Late
I'm caught up! I have to say I had a great time making April's block...I will have to make one of these for myself...maybe not a whole quilt...but a delightful, scrappy version that I can make into a pillow!
And when I make mine...I won't forget to start using the background fabric again for the last two pieces in each section...!
I also made Emily's block...and found out that I don't have many pale yellows in my stash. All I was able to add were a couple of tone on tone Sweetwater yellows. This is going to be a great quilt...I can't wait to see all the color wheels together! I think they will really sparkle!
I'll get these in the mail asap!

Monday, November 12, 2012
November blocks

Monday, November 5, 2012
It's Me! Trying to Catch Up

Saturday, November 3, 2012
{Catching Up} Erika's Block
I used every bit of fabric I could and even created some smaller blocks that she can either use or add too. It was fun to sew up and came out fun with all the colors of fabric she has sent to me. I can't wait to see her finished quilt! I'll be back with all my catching up to do!
Happy Sewing!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
amylouwho's block
I will be keeping this fun little project in mind as I am always looking for ideas to use up all of those left over pieces of fabric that are too cute to toss.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012
October Block Instructions
Hey ladies! I'm excited that it's my month!
I've been wanting to make a quilt from these super cute Lone Starburst blocks for a while now, but I just haven't gotten to it. I started making a couple blocks and had so much fun! It is paper piecing (don't hate me!) but it goes together pretty quick. If you are new to paper piecing, Faith @ Fresh Lemons Quilts has a pretty good tutorial here. If you know of (or have on your blog) a paper piecing tutorial that will help, could you post it in the comments?
I sent you all the same fabrics: reds, yellows, deep turquoise, and grey--and I'd love for you to add one more color to the block. Your choice what color that is. I also sent some white for the background and that little stripe of white in the inside of the block. I put some extra white in the packages just as I was sending them out because I was nervous I didn't send enough. It's really hard to estimate for paper piecing! Odds are, it doesn't match exactly what's in the package. I'm okay with that--trying to follow Callie's Make it Do mantra :) Trying to use up my white scraps. If it really bugs you, the white in the package is Moda Bella 97...I should have more in a few days and I can send you some.
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Photo from Six White Horses |
I'm so excited to see what you make!!
PS I'm all caught up on my blocks, just need to take pictures. I'll post them soon!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
September's blocks (amylouwho)
You should be getting your bundles any day now. I'm sorry that it took me so long to get them out. I was using fabric that I had cut up for a different project and I had to reorganize it to fit this one! But I'm glad the fabric will be used now! Plus, I have POAD (Post Office Avoidance Disorder) and that's never good when you are trying to mail stuff out!
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blocks I made for my first bee |
I have always admired string block quilts and thought these strips I had would work really well. Since I wanted to ease the workload on your part I thought it would be fun to make BIG blocks instead of a bunch of tiny ones.
Here's the fabrics that you'll find in your bundle!
So here's the questionnaire and my answers!
I only sent one piece of paper but if you are inclined you can make more than one block. ;)
Can your partners use any of his/her own stash fabric to use in your quilt block? If so, are there any limitations?
They don't have to be prominent but I think it will help balance out the rest of my medium tones.
I sent a WOF Kona Snow in every bundle. I would like the white to be the center strip and used as is (width-wise), but if you would like to cut down some of the wider strips of the prints to make them more narrow that would be okay. Although, keep in mind that I would like some of the larger prints to show. And remember you'll be trimming to 12.5" once you are finished sewing.
Do you have a general theme or is it up to your partners to decide? Are there any specific themes that you do NOT want in your quilt block? Likes/dislikes?
I know I'm severely late, so I don't expect these back in two weeks. I'm excited to see what you do!! Thank you so much!!
amy aka amylouwho aka one of those darn blogging amys

Monday, September 10, 2012
august blocks.

Thursday, September 6, 2012
Hello there friends! I'm alive! I'm alive!
I'm SO sorry that I've pretty much been absent here. I was so excited to bee with all of you that I underestimated my ability to manage everything going on right now. :( But I hope you'll forgive me!
I've been playing catch up, and finally got these two blocks in the mail this week.
A Greek Cross for Sherri:
And an improv block for Erika:
I love both of these blocks!
I have a bunch of fabric strips cut out for your packets this month. I will be sending those out this weekend! You all are so wonderful and talented!! Thanks for letting me be part of the bee!
~another amy aka amylouwho

Friday, August 31, 2012
Getting Caught Up
Now that school is in full swing, I'm finally getting caught up with my Bee Blocks. I finished Nedra's block several weeks ago, but drove around in the car with it without dropping by the post office to mail it. I finally got it sent on Wednesday. Sorry Nedra for being so flaky! Can I blame on birthday parties, kids, and the PTA?
I absolutely loved making the Spin Cycle block! I even bought the pattern I liked making it so much.
I did sign it, but forgot to take the post signature photo.
Last night I also finished making Amy's block. I wanted to make a courthouse steps block and like Nedra vary the width of the surrounding strips. I just had to fussy cut the center owl, since I love owls. In the end I didn't use the coral linen for the row of steps, so I'm not sure it technically is a courthouse steps any more... but I'm still happy with how it turned out anyway.
The Echino fabric sewed up so beautifully. And though it was a challenge for me to work with so much color, I loved every minute of it.
Thanks Nedra and Amy for the wonderful projects!

Monday, August 27, 2012
A Block For Amy E.
This was a fun block to work on Amy!
I made the traditional Log Cabin square, with a slight variation using various sizes for the surrounding strips.
This was the first time I've worked with Echino linen.

Saturday, August 25, 2012
Catching up on my blocks!

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Amy's Blocks
I just finished the Echino/linen blocks for Amy! I have some Echino prints but have never sewn with them...they sew and press beautifully.
The other blocks I've seen for her quilt are just's going to be a great quilt!
This Bee is so much fun!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Back to school sewing

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Echino blocks for Amy

After I made my first camera block I had so much fun I decided to make one more. The two little scraps on the bottom corner is all that is left of the echino she sent! They need another quick press and then I'm off to the post office. I hope you like them Amy, I can't wait to see your quilt all finished, it's going to be gorgeous!

Monday, August 13, 2012
for Nedra.
Boy oh boy did the month of July get a way from me. I could hardly wait to create Nedra's block. My spin cycle quilt is a favorite in our house.
Thank you Nedra, for being patient. I hope you like your block. :o) It was so fun to make for you!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012
August Blocks - Amy Ellis

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Block for Nedra!
Yay! Finished this one, and only a little bit late! (Phew, now I'm all caught up!) Nedra, I promise it's square, it was just a bit breezy when I took the picture.
This is so fun!

Just a Reminder
My Spin Cycle blocks are starting to arrive!
Thank you Sherri, Sinta and Erica!
I love them!
It feels like Christmas to go to the mailbox :)
Just a reminder:
REMEMBER to sign your name with a permanent marker in the aqua/ gray area, and then seal the ink with an iron.
I will love having a remembrance of each of you :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012
Embarrassing. (aka really, really, late.)
At least the block turned out cute.
It was fun to just sew without a plan, I haven't done that in a long time. Thanks for the fun, Erika!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Spin Cycle Fun

Monday, July 23, 2012
Nedra's Block

Thursday, July 19, 2012
Block for Nedra
So, my only question, is where exactly do you want a signature, like in the center of the dark blue cross? Or in the lighter gray/blue section? Let me know and I'll ship it off!

Thursday, July 5, 2012
Erika's Block

Monday, July 2, 2012
July Block on it's Way
Hi Ladies,I can hardly believe it's July already.
But then I walk out side here in Arizona and feel the temps at 113 degrees, and say to my self "Yes, it's July".
This is my month to share with you my block for our Bees Knees Quilting Bee.
With permission from Allison of Cluck, Cluck, Sew, I have chosen
Spin Cycle.
The only special request I have is that you sign your name with a permanent marker and then heat set with an iron.
I would LOVE to have a memory of each of you as I view my quilt in years to come.
I'm all about using what I have right, so this will be a very scrappy quilt.
Fabrics are cut and assembled into little packets.
I'm off to the post office this morning with all of your mailers.
I want to thank each of you right now for sharing your talents with me. This is an amazing group to be part of.
You really are THE BEES KNEES!