Hello girls. I am looking so forward to participating in another year of The Bee's Knees! Last year was so much fun!! I just loved making everyone's blocks and receiving mine in return.

I have been saving my Fly A Kite fat quarter bundle for just the right project. I thought it would be fun to make Camille's Swoon quilt with it and I want to thank you ahead of time for sewing these special blocks for me!
I apologize for getting off to a late start. The fabric is on it's way to each of you. I took the liberty of cutting the neutral fabric for the Swoon blocks. One thing I did change, rather than cutting 3 7/8" I cut 4" squares. That gives wiggle room to square up.
What size quilt block
do you want your bee partners to make?
finished and unfinished measurements, just to be sure.)
24 1/2"
Can your partners use
any of their own stash fabric to use in your quilt block? If so, are
there any limitations?
I prefer that you use my fabrics.
Is there a specific
color of thread (white/off white) you want your partners to sew with?
white/off white
Do your partners have
to use at least a little bit of every fabric you send or can your
partners decide?
I prefer that you use my fabrics.
Do you have a general
theme or is it up to your partners to decide? Are there any specific
themes that you do NOT want in your quilt block? Likes/dislikes?
The block is Swoon by Camille Roskelly.
Will you allow any
embellishments on the quilt block (i.e. embroidery, raised items such
as yo-yos or fabric origami)?
No embellishments, please.
Can you link us to
any flickr or Pinterest photos that you would like us to use as
inspiration for your quilt block?
If your partners are
super motivated and are able to make two blocks out of the fabric you
send, would you accept more than one block from your partners?
There is only enough fabric for one block. And there is no wiggle room for cutting.
Do you want your
partners to return any leftover larger size scraps to you when they
return the completed blocks or can they keep them for their own scrap
You are welcome to keep what remains. If you do not plan to use them, please return.